
Comment développer sur l’iPhone

O’Reilly, mon éditeur préféré, propose un nouvel ouvrage qui va intéresser plus d’un Geek/développeur.  « iPhone SDK » est un ouvrage complet sur le développement d’applications pour le téléphone vedette de la société Apple ce qui peut également intéressé ceux qui recherchent un emploi de game designer.

Le bouquin est en Anglais et voici une description détaillé (source O’Reilly):

This practical book offers programmers the knowledge and code they need
to create cutting-edge mobile applications, using Apple’s iPhone SDK.
The iPhone is one of the hottest new pieces of technology: a fully
functional portable Unix operating system with the most advanced
handheld user interface in existence. iPhone SDK Application Development
covers development environment for both the iPhone and iPod Touch, from
windows and navigation bars to more advanced layers of the iPhone SDK,
such as screen transitions, low-level graphics rendering using
CoreSurface, the MultiTouch API, and digital sound and music rendering
with Celestial and CoreAudio. With this book, you will:

  • Understand how the iPhone works internally, with a complete introduction to the technology
  • Learn how different iPhone components interact with each other
  • Use your existing Mac OS X development skills by understanding the similarities between iPhone and Mac OS X Leopard
  • Learn about the iPhone-specific APIs, such as the user interface, to develop custom iPhone applications
  • Get code examples to help you write various features of your application

With iPhone SDK Application Development, you’ll learn how to create effective iPhone applications and games with the same tools Apple uses.

Bon dev 😉

Par nicolargo

Créateur de blog de Nicolargo, je suis un partisan des logiciels libres et un passionné des nouvelles technologies.

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